This post ought to bring in the mental midgets from all corners of the internet……I certainly hope so………the trolls will have a day with this post but first they will have to put down the Cheetohs and do what their Mommie tells them……….that is if I did not use too big of words for them…….(insert smiley face)………..if these words are a problem then ask a 10 year old……they will understand.
I have been watching the news in Texas…..they have this debate going on about the possibility to openly carry a hand gun in public……it is a debate the we should have but it has gone beyond reasonable to the brutish……it appears that thugs from some guns rights group is pushing its way into legislators offices and basically intimidating them into voting for the bill…..they even conned the Lt. Governor into a meeting so he could avoid a scene…..but what can you expect from a spineless politician? (This is a quick definition of what is happening if you want more info then Google will do you proud)
My take on this situation…….
If it is illegal to intimidate a witness or juror in a trial, how isd it legal that such intimidation is legal when it comes to law makers? Okay you do not like that take………Is it legal to intimidate a retailer to get him to do what you want? Then how is it legal use harsh words and maybe a gun to convince someone to see things your way? I believe that is called coercion. And the last time I checked it was against the law as well as the Constitution.
Does the term “Brown Shirts” ring a bell? In case you missed the PBS special…the Brown Shirts were thugs in 20’s and 30’s Germany that intimidated the population to get what they wanted….does it ring a bell now?
Okay another angle…..let’s say you go to a rally or protests whatever you would like to call it and most everyone there were people of color and almost all of them had weapons in plain sight…..what will be your reaction?….I mean besides running to FOX News that is…….
Hey Haters! You dildos do realize there is more to the Constitution than the 2nd amendment, right?