I recall back after one of the gun violence events…there have been so many it is hard to recall the exact time it was said…..I believe it was after Newtown massacre when there was lots of talk about some sort of way to control who gets access to guns…..any way that twat LaPierre o0f the NRA made his best statement yet…..
“The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”
I am sure that everyone remembers his babbling…..so the elaborate on his statement a little further…..
Want your fellow Americans armed to the teeth? OK, but consider this: A bystander witnessing a carjacking in Houston Saturday night opened fire and missed the assailants but shot the victim in the head, police say. KHOU reports that a guy was being attacked by two men at a Valero gas station in north Houston when the bystander drew his weapon and fired. The bystander then snatched up his shell casings and fled, and police found the victim’s Chevrolet pickup truck about a mile down the road with the attackers long gone. The victim is now in hospital in stable condition. See a TV news report on the story at ABC 13. Hat tip, Raw Story.
I feel so much safer knowing there are people like this twat out there….protecting us from thugs! (that is sarcasm in case you missed the symbolism)….