This election as with all elections the candidate from the Right goes on some rant about the next Dem president will take away our 2nd amendment rights….and right on cue Donald Trump is NO different.
Then there are his supporters and the ones before him….they rant on and on about how our rights to own guns will be suppressed if the country is stupid enough to elect the Dem that is running…..
As usual it is pure bullshit! Apparently these candidates that the mental midgets that echo the lie have NO concept of what is in the Constitution or how the thing works…….
So let me help the poor mentally deficient sheep out…..a quick constitutional review……
I think the answer to the 2 questions are a little of both……the candidate has NO idea how this works and he really thinks his followers are that STUPID!
This is typical when a party has nothing to offer….send in the fear card about guns or harp on something they have NO chance of doing…repeal Obamacare…..
I expect more out of the Party that wraps itself in the Constitution with every election…..
Here’s an idea….before you jump on the stupid bandwagon take a course on the Constitution….because by trumpeting his BS then you look as STUPID as he plays you to be.
I am not be a constitutional scholar but I know enough to see a outright lie when I see and hear one.
If only there was an educational aspect to the media…..wait!….There is but we cannot fund it because somewhere in the tiny brains of the GOP it has become a no-no to fund education……Smart thinking!
One more thing….since some of you are hot for the GOP…both as president and Congress….then ask a couple of questions to the “saviors” of this country….
Bet you get platitudes and slogans…but NO good answers….
But go ahead vote for these pigs that have promised a lot and delivered NOTHING…they are NO better than a Democrat.
But go ahead and vote in a couple of days….and prolong your agony…..”stupid is as stupid does”… someone once said.