Oh boy this title oughta get the juices flowing from one of my readers….of course because I am what some mental midgets call a “liberal” (BTW a term most on the Left detest) they will immediately assume that this is some sort of Leftist diatribe on how to get everyone’s guns……if that is the case then stop here and make a comment that I will tear apart…..or continue to read and see what this post is about……
Babies, concert goers and high school students have been killed in recent mass shootings, but the grip of the NRA and the gun manufacturers on Republican politicians remains firm. In fact, the NRA, gun manufacturers and Republican politicians are hard to distinguish. The gun industry gives millions every year to the NRA in the form of grants and millions more in the form of advertising in NRA publications. In some cases, a percentage of the sale price of guns and ammo goes directly to the NRA. Politicians receive a similar kickback. In the course of their careers, Sen. John McCain has received nearly $8 million from the NRA; Sen. Richard Burr, $7 million; Sen. Roy Blunt, $4.5 million, Marco Rubio, $3.5 million, etc. All of them together, with compliant Republican presidents, have succeeded in creating a Supreme Court willing to change the plain meaning of the Second Amendment from sanctioning a “well armed militia,” to endorsing a nearly universal right to be armed.
If you read the entire article I would like to hear from you…….please let me know your feeling on this……