Warning: This post will be insulting to those people that are running in fear from the government….if you are offended then I have succeeded in my effort!
I swear that I want to stop writing about the gun debate, but the NRA twats will not let it go! And I feel that I most set the record straight because the NRA or FUX or the whack-a-doo0dles will not….someone most tell it like it is……why not me? I would go quietly into the night if the pea brain, moronic dipsticks on the Right would just shout the Hell up…….but…..NO!
We all know that the background checks bill was defeated because the Repubs were jumping on the talking point that it would create a regisdtry of gun owners and that somehow would lessen our ability to acquire the types of guns that we desperately need to protect ourselves and our families…..and we know that then the government would waltz in a take all our beloved forearms from us leaving us at the mercy of said government…….is that about what they are all bitching about?
I have two things to say on that front…..first, for you mental deficient that live in Wayne’s (LaPierre) World………………. THERE IS NO ONE COMING FOR YOUR GUNS! Especially someone from the government!
Second, the Boston bombers had a shoot out with the cops….recall that? Well, the handgun used is in the possession of the FBI and thet are tracking it to see where it leads….(think about that for a moment)
Third, I have asked this question before and got little response….either they are too stupid to know of what I speak or they are just fucking lazy……so to help out I will say it once again…please pay attention so that I do not have to repeat myself needlessly……I am guessing that all you law abiding gun freaks bought your firearms legally…….you went to Academy or Wal-Mart or whatever, a licensed firearms dealer……and when you dropped your wad of cash unto the counter you had to fill out an ATF Form 4473…..and on the this form your put your name address and section B of said form the type of gun, handgun, rifle, etc is filled in…..the serial number, maker, caliber, all the important stuff….and once the sale is made the form is submitted….
How do you think that the FBI and PDs run ballistic checks that tells gun, caliber and….listen closely…..OWNER! You got that you slow witted twat? You are on record!
Guess what you bubble brains…..there is already a registry….how else could the gun to tracked?
Are you people paying attention?
There is already a registry and if you have bought a gun legally then you are already on it!
So let the NRA keep fanning that piece of bullshit…….the only people that this pack of asshats is helping or protecting is the gun industry….they are making sure that they get their pound of flesh from the people and you people keep falling for one con job after another by the NRA. By the way……your AR-15 is as worthless as tits on a boar against a Cobra….if you think that the government that you are so afraid of will come light to take your guns….then you are a bigger idiot than I first thought!
In case you missed it earlier……There is NO one coming for your guns!